- 2018 Winter Olympics
- Aging and Geriatric Research
- Alcoholism and Recovery
- Alzheimer’s Disease Research and Therapy
- Alzheimer’s Disease Research and Therapy 2
- Autism and Related Behavioral Disorders
- Autonomous Systems
- Brain Tumor Research and Therapy
- Caribbean-American Heritage Scholarship and Research
- Cybersecurity
- Diabetes Research and Scholarship
- Fake News
- First Amendment and Freedom of Information
- Food Security
- Grassroots Social Movements
- Hurricane Experts
- Hurricanes & Storms
- Immunizations and Vaccines
- Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) Project
- Migraine and Headache Research and Therapy
- NASA and Space-Related Research
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Political Season
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Research and Therapy
- Skin Cancer Research and Therapy
- Suicide Prevention and Awareness
- Transportation Research
- Water Quality
- Wetlands Conservation
- Zika