Afsar Ali
Research Associate Professor
- Gainesville FL UNITED STATES
- College of Public Health and Health Professions
Afsar Ali researches disease spillover from environment to humans and how to mitigate cholera and diarrheal diseases.
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Afsar Ali has researched cholera and other diarrheal diseases caused by bacterial pathogens for more than 28 years. He specializes in disease spillover from the environment to humans and how to mitigate cholera and diarrheal diseases. He is a research associate professor in the Department of Environmental and Global Health in the College of Public Health and Health Professions.
Areas of Expertise
Media Appearances
Bacteria lurking in Florida water responsible for hundreds of cases
CBS 8, Tampa Bay tv
While the world has been consumed by the coronavirus pandemic, other dangerous infections have quietly continued to take their own tolls. We know there are sharks, jellyfish, stingrays, all sorts of predators that we look out for while in the water. But there's something else lurking below that is even deadlier than all three combined.
Thiol-based functional mimicry of phosphorylation of the two-component system response regulator ArcA promotes pathogenesis in enteric pathogens
Cell ReportsYitian Zhou, et al.
Pathogenic bacteria can rapidly respond to stresses such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) using reversible redox-sensitive oxidation of cysteine thiol (-SH) groups in regulators. Here, we use proteomics to profile reversible ROS-induced thiol oxidation in Vibrio cholerae, the etiologic agent of cholera, and identify two modified cysteines in ArcA, a regulator of global carbon oxidation that is phosphorylated and activated under low oxygen.
Exploring convolutional neural networks and spatial video for on-the-ground mapping in informal settlements
International Journal of Health GeographicsAndrew J. Curtis, et al.
The health burden in developing world informal settlements often coincides with a lack of spatial data that could be used to guide intervention strategies. Spatial video (SV) has proven to be a useful tool to collect environmental and social data at a granular scale, though the effort required to turn these spatially encoded video frames into maps limits sustainability and scalability.
Characterization of the Vibriocidal Activity of Chitosan Microparticles: A Potential Therapeutic Agent for Emerging Multidrug-Resistant Cholera Infections
ACS Applied Materials and InterfacesThomas A. Weppelmann, et al.
Due to increasing reports of multidrug-resistant (MDR) Vibrio cholerae O1, the goal of this study was to characterize the in vitro antimicrobial activity of chitosan microparticles (CMs) to evaluate their potential as a novel therapeutic agent for cholera. We examined the antimicrobial activity of CMs against toxigenic V. cholerae O1 using direct enumeration, microscopy, and fluorescence microplate assays.