Carlos de la Torre
- Gainesville FL UNITED STATES
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Carlos De la Torre is an expert in Latin American populism from a global perspective and in racism and citizenship in the Americas.
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Carlos De la Torre is professor in the Center for Latin American Studies. He is an expert on populism, democratization, authoritarianism, fascism, racism and citizenship in the Americas.
Areas of Expertise
Media Appearances
Elements in History and Politics of Fascism: Populism and Fascism
Cambridge University Press tv
This volume argues that fascism and populism are similar in so far that they constructed the people as one; understood leadership as embodiment; and performed politics of the extraordinary. They are different because there is a consensus that fascism occurred at a particular historical moment, and what came after was postfascism.
Peru, Ecuador head to the polls amid fresh lockdown measures
FRANCE 24 online
“The followers of Arauz and Correa say that it is a dispute between neoliberalism and a vision of a more state-driven management of public resources, post-neoliberal they call it,” said Carlos de la Torre, director of the Centre for Latin American Studies at the University of Florida in the Unitede States. “I don’t know how much they can do with such depleted resources. It’s honestly a total disaster, and there’s a lot of anger, a lot of contained anger.”
En Équateur, l’avenir incertain du Président Lenín Moreno
The Conversation online
Depuis plusieurs jours, l’Équateur traverse une crise politique majeure : des milliers d’indigènes et de paysans protestent contre l’augmentation du prix du pétrole décidée par le gouvernement du libéral Lenín Moreno – au pouvoir depuis 2017. Mercredi 9 octobre, les manifestants ont afflué massivement dans la capitale Quito et de violents affrontements ont eu lieu entre les manifestants et la police, laissant plusieurs personnes blessées.
Populism and Fascism
Cambridge University PressCarlos de la Torre
The elections of Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, as well as the strengthening of the radical right globally, brought back debates of the similarities and differences between populism and fascism.
Populismos Globales
Prometeo EditorialCarlos de la Torre
Con palabras sencillas y claras, este libro presenta debates complejos e ilustra las variedades del populismo en las historias interconectadas de varias regiones del mundo. Analizamos sus relaciones con el fascismo y otras ormas de autoritarismo, la democratización, el nacionalismo y sus usos de la religión y los medios de comunicación.
Still the Age of Populism?
RoutledgeMichael Bernhard, et. al
Still the Age of Populism? investigates current conceptions of populism and its relevance across the globe. Using contextualized case studies, cross-national comparisons, and theoretical interventions, this volume addresses key conceptual debates in comparative politics and political sociology.
The Pushback Against Populism: Why Ecuador's Referendums Backfired
Journal of DemocracyFelipe Burbano de Lara and Carlos de la Torre
Since taking office in May 2017, Ecuadorean president Lenín Moreno has made headline-grabbing efforts to reverse the transformations wrought by his populist predecessor, Rafael Correa (2007–17). Initially elected as Correa's handpicked successor and the candidate of his Alianza PAIS movement, Moreno departed from the course set by Correa on matters ranging from the abolition of term limits to the launch of anticorruption investigations.