F. Kayser Enneking
- Gainesville FL UNITED STATES
- Anesthesiology
Dr. F. Kayser Enneking is interested in regional anesthesia for orthopaedic surgeries and ambulatory anesthesia.
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Dr. F. Kayser Enneking is interested in regional anesthesia for orthopaedic surgeries and ambulatory anesthesia led to the development of novel analgesic techniques for these patient populations. She is a professor of anesthesiology and orthopedics in the College of Medicine.
Areas of Expertise
Agents of change: the Gaston Labat awardees past, present, and future—the 2021 Gaston Labat Award lecture
Regional Anesthesia & Pain MedicineF. Kayser Enneking
The prior recipients of the Gaston Labat Award can be thought of as change agents because of their driving desire to challenge and improve the status quo. All of us are interconnected and should seek to collectively work toward meaningful change in our communities. The 2021 Gaston Labat lecture pays tribute to past agents of change and inspires those to come by urging everyone to become involved in the solution.
Feasibility and Rationale for Incorporating Frailty and Cognitive Screening Protocols in a Preoperative Anesthesia Clinic
Anesthesia & AnalgesiaShawna Amini, et al.
Advanced age, frailty, low education level and impaired cognition are generally reported to be associated with postoperative cognitive complications. To translate research findings into hospital-wide preoperative assessment clinical practice, we examined the feasibility of implementing a preoperative frailty and cognitive assessment for all older adults electing surgical procedures in a tertiary medical center.
Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Under Regional Anesthesia
Obstetrics & GynecologyNash Moawad, et al.
Laparoscopic hysterectomies comprise a large proportion of all hysterectomies in the United States. Procedures completed under regional anesthesia pose a number of benefits to patients, but laparoscopic hysterectomies traditionally have been performed under general anesthesia. We describe a case of total laparoscopic hysterectomy under epidural anesthesia with the patient fully awake.