Heather Gibson
- Gainesville FL UNITED STATES
- College of Health and Human Performance
Heather Gibson's work sits at the intersection of tourism, leisure, and sport (sport tourism).
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Heather Gibson teaches and researches tourism, treating it as an experience that contributes to wellbeing and can be transformative, particularly in forms such as solo travel, study abroad, and when marking life transitions such as retirement. She has a particular expertise in women's solo travel and sport tourism as her expertise encompasses both sport and leisure. In particular, her work examines active sport tourism such as participation in the Senior Games, or the role of leisure in retirement. She is interested in how people create a sense of identity, meaning, and community through their leisure and tourism. Since 2007, she has led an interdisciplinary study abroad program for UF focused on sustainability. In her research, she has documented the transformative nature of such travel experiences.
Areas of Expertise
Media Appearances
The Benefits of Gentler Hobbies
Next Avenue online
Google anything related to health and wellbeing, and your search will turn up generic recommendations. These will range from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's MyPlate dietary resources to the CDC's suggested 150 minutes of weekly activity. You may also find academic studies, like Harvard's recent news brief discussing the importance of hobbies for older adults.
Solo Travel to Florida – Women Lead the Way
Visit Florida online
In just the last year, searches for the term “solo travel” have increased by 100% according to Google Trends. Airline booking aggregator Kayak reports a 36% increase in solo-traveler flights. Group tour company Intrepid Travel says its latest data shows 73% of their solo travelers are female.
Why women are drawn to solo travel and how the tourism industry is responding
PBS News tv
A majority of people traveling abroad alone these days are women, and demand for women-led tour groups is rising. Stephanie Sy takes a closer look at the reasons why women are drawn to solo travel and how the hospitality industry is taking notice.
The impact of resilience on community variations in the relationships between tourism and quality of life
Journal of Destination Marketing & ManagementEunjung Yang, et. al
Tourism aims to enhance community quality of life, but its impacts can be positive and/or negative by community. Under increasing uncertainty from multiple crises, this study links tourism sectors with the concepts of community resilience and quality of life to support sustainable development.
Using study abroad memories to foster sustainable tourists and global citizens
Journal of Sustainable TourismHongping Zhang, et. al
There is increasing interest in exploring how education abroad can contribute to enhancing sustainable behaviors. We adopted a functional approach to autobiographical memory to investigate the relationship between the directive function of study abroad memories (directing travel behavior, and directing life trajectory) and sustainable tourist behaviors (environmental, economic, social, and cultural).
Towards an understanding of family travel decision-making processes in the context of youth sport tourism
Journal of Destination Marketing & ManagementMona Mirehie, et. al
Youth sport tourism has grown into a distinct travel segment over the past decade. While communities have invested in sport tourism initiatives, building dedicated sports facilities and competing to host tournaments, little academic attention has been paid to understanding the travel planning and decision-making associated with youth sport families.