H. Kenny Cheng University of Florida

H. Kenny Cheng


kenny.cheng@warrington.ufl.edu 352-392-7068
  • Gainesville FL UNITED STATES
  • Warrington College of Business

H. Kenny Cheng’s research is focused on big data, business analytics, and the economic and policy issues of artificial intelligence.

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H. Kenny Cheng’s research is focused on analyzing the impact of internet technology and software development and marketing, in addition to information systems policy issues, in particular, net neutrality. He teaches information technology strategy, e-commerce and supply chain management.

He is a renowned Information Systems (IS) scholar with his works also extending to the intersection of other business disciplines. He has been consistently ranked as one of the most productive researchers among the world’s top-100 researchers in information systems by publications in top three IS journals over the years.

Areas of Expertise

Big Data and Business Analytics
Internet commerce
Artificial Intelligence

Media Appearances

Warrington professor named among world’s most outstanding information systems scholars

UF Warrington College of Business  online


John B. Higdon Eminent Scholar Chair and Chair of the University of Florida Warrington College of Business’s Information Systems and Operations Management department Hsing Kenneth Cheng is one of this year’s recipients of INFORMS’ Information Systems Society Distinguished Fellow Award.

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Will sweeping antitrust laws protect small businesses on Amazon? It’s not that simple.

The Hill  online


Protecting small-business owners from corporate monopolies is an issue worth championing, but it’s not exactly black and white when it comes to the tech behemoth Amazon.com and its line of AmazonBasics products. Antitrust legislation will not be a panacea for small-business owners in this case; in fact, it might hurt them.

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Research by Warrington faculty nominated for Antitrust Writing Awards

UF Warrington College of Business  online


A paper by Jingchuan Pu and John B. Higdon Eminent Scholar Chair Hsing Kenneth Cheng has been nominated for this year’s Antitrust Writing Award. The paper, “Impact of Own Brand Product Introduction on Optimal Pricing Models for Platform and Incumbent Sellers,” meets the qualifications for the General Economics subcategory of the award and is available for voting until April 5.

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What doesn't kill you makes you stronger? Evidence from vampire attacks on decentralized exchange and non-fungible token marketplace

Journal of Operations Management

Xi Zhao, et. al


We examine the impact of vampire attack, a unique platform entry strategy in the blockchain ecosystem, on the operational performance of the incumbent platform. During the vampire attack period, the entrant (attacker) clones the incumbent platform and offers tokenized incentives to entice users away from the incumbent.

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Operation Dumbo Drop: To Airdrop or Not to Airdrop for Initial Coin Offering Success?

Information Systems Research

Jian Li, et. al


To motivate blockchain individuals to invest in the subsequent ICO, a growing number of blockchain-based project founders employ the airdrop campaign, through which they distribute a specific amount of free official tokens or promotional tokens to potential investors on the blockchain with or without their permission.

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Impact of Own Brand Product Introduction on Optimal Pricing Models for Platform and Incumbent Sellers

Information Systems Research

Hsing Kenneth Cheng, et. al


Sales on the e-commerce platform in the United States have experienced explosive growth and are projected to surpass $740 billion in 2023. The expansion of the platform’s traditional role as a reseller into an online marketplace and the introduction of its own brand products have stoked a huge fear among the incumbent sellers.

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Special Issue Editorial: Information Systems Research in the Age of Smart Services

Journal of the Association for Information Systems

Yu-chen Yang, et al.


The rapid expansion of innovative smart technologies is creating exciting new opportunities and causing disruptions in many different sectors, including manufacturing, finance, insurance, and healthcare. This special issue seeks to identify the latest trends and research directions on this topic by presenting research on the development, evaluation, management, and organization of smart technologies in the age of smart services.

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