Kasey Windels University of Florida

Kasey Windels

Associate Professor

kwindels@ufl.edu 352-294-1398
  • Gainesville FL UNITED STATES
  • College of Journalism and Communications

Kasey Windels' research centers on the advertising agency itself, with a specific interest on creativity within the advertising agency.

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Kasey Windels' research interests center on the advertising agency itself, with a specific interest on creativity within the advertising agency. One stream of research examines why there are so few women in creative roles within advertising agencies, while another examines the social and environmental factors that influence creativity within the advertising agency. A statistic from her research on who gets credited for work featured in the Communication Arts Advertising Annual was used to name the 3% Conference, an annual conference dedicated to supporting more female creative leadership in advertising agencies.

Areas of Expertise

Gender Identity in Advertising
Creative Leadership and Direction
Research & Strategy
Advertising Campaign
Creative Strategy



Examining the Ad Industry’s Race and Ethnicity Problem: Application and Extension of Co-Cultural Theory

Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising

Noura Ibrahim, et. al


Historically, White people have been overrepresented in the advertising industry, making them the dominant group. Through in-depth interviews with twenty-five co-cultural advertising professionals living in the United States, we examined how minorities working in the advertising industry employ various communication practices while engaging with White dominant group members.

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From below the glass ceiling: female perspectives in the world of advertising

Journal of Gender Studies

Sophia Mueller, et. al


The majority of investigations exploring gender issues in advertising agencies have focused on the barriers female creatives face. However, these challenges are not restricted to a singular department within an agency. This study examines how gender identity shapes women’s experiences in the advertising industry and seeks to understand why women are exiting the industry despite a growing number of women earning advertising-oriented degrees in recent years.

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