Michael von Fricken
Associate Professor/Director
- Gainesville FL UNITED STATES
- College of Public Health and Health Professions
Michael von Fricken focuses on vector-borne disease surveillance, control, and pathogen discovery.
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Michael von Fricken's research interests include vector-borne disease surveillance, control, and pathogen discovery at the human-animal interface. He has multiple ongoing funded projects in Kenya, Mongolia, Equatorial Guinea, and Haiti, many of which include opportunities for students to become involved as part of a larger effort to train One Health research scientists. He also holds a research associate position with the Smithsonian Institution’s Global Health Program, reviews clinical trials related to vector-borne diseases for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and maintains a Visiting Scientist designation at USAMRIID.
Areas of Expertise
Applying next generation sequencing to detect tick-pathogens in Dermacentor nuttalli, Ixodes persulcatus, and Hyalomma asiaticum collected from Mongolia
Ticks and Tick-borne DiseasesGraham A. Matulis, et. al
Ticks and tick-borne diseases represent major threats to the public health of the Mongolian population, of which an estimated 26% live a traditional nomadic pastoralist lifestyle that puts them at increased risk for exposure. Ticks were collected by dragging and removal from livestock in Khentii, Selenge, Tuv, and Umnugovi aimags (provinces) during March-May 2020.
The need for larval source management accompanying urban development projects in malaria endemic areas: a case study on Bioko Island
Malaria JournalGuillermo A. García, et. al
In 2017, several new housing districts were constructed on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. This case study assessed the impact construction projects had on mosquito larval habitats and the effectiveness of larval source management in reducing malaria vector density within the surrounding area. Anopheline larval presence was assessed at 11 new construction sites by the proportion of larval habitats containing Anopheline pupae and late instar larval stages
Impact of the Ebola Virus Outbreak on Tuberculosis Treatment Adherence and Outcomes in a Military Hospital in Freetown, Sierra Leone
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and HygieneKathryn M. Hogan, et. al
The impact and disruption of infectious disease outbreaks stretch far beyond their direct death toll, as they often overburden health systems, reduce treatment-seeking behaviors, and interrupt treatment regimens. This study examines the impact of the 2014-2016 Ebola virus outbreak on tuberculosis (TB) treatment outcomes at the 34 Military Hospital in Freetown, Sierra Leone.