Monika Ardelt
- Gainesville FL UNITED STATES
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Monika Ardelt developed the Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale to study the predictors, correlates and effects of personal wisdom.
Contact More Open optionsBiography
Monika Ardelt is a sociology professor in the Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. She also is the 2008 Colonel Allan R. and Margaret G. Crow Term Professor. Monika is a founding faculty member and member of the advisory committee of the University of Florida Center for Spirituality and Health. She developed the widely used Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale. She specializes in adult human development, aging and the life course, wisdom, purpose in life, religiosity/spirituality, aging and dying well and social pyschology.
Areas of Expertise
Media Appearances
Is wisdom the key to successful old age?
KCRW radio
Despite increasing longevity, old age can present overwhelming challenges; the loss of mobility, cognitive decline, hearing and sight loss and increased dependence on others can result in pain and suffering as well as frustration and depression. Maintaining a positive attitude can be hard but research shows those who are able to exhibit the characteristics of wisdom, are better able to navigate the ravages of old age.
Wise Up
Mount Sinai online
Monika Ardelt, PhD, has spent her career studying an ideal that’s as universal as it is elusive: wisdom. And like many wisdom researchers, she’s concluded that we don’t necessarily become wiser as we age. Many people even become less wise. It’s a troubling thought, not only because wisdom is associated with resilience and life satisfaction, but also because if we’re not becoming wiser, what exactly are we becoming? Dr. Ardelt explains why wisdom matters and offers thoughts on how to cultivate it, including in moments of adversity.
Wisdom Profiles: Monika Ardelt
Evidence-based Wisdom online
Monika Ardelt is an Associate Professor of Sociology at The University of Florida. Her research interests include Adult Human Development and Ageing and Dying well. For the last 25 years or so, she has been at the cutting edge of Wisdom Research.
Does Self-Transcendent Wisdom Mediate the Relation between Spirituality and Well-Being? A Test Across Six Nations
Journal of Happiness StudiesMonika Ardelt, et. al
The purpose of the study was to examine whether self-transcendent wisdom mediates the positive relation of spirituality on general well-being and life satisfaction. We used ANOVA, bivariate correlations, and multi-group path analyses to assess whether spirituality is positively related to life satisfaction (LS) and general well-being (GWB), and whether these relations are mediated by self-transcendent wisdom (STW).
The Benefits of Wise Organizations for Employee Well-Being
Business & Professional Ethics JournalMonika Ardelt, Bhavna Sharma
Similar to personal wisdom, which is believed to be beneficial for individuals, others, and the larger community, wise organizations are likely to have a positive impact on employee well-being if their ultimate goal is to promote the common good. To test this hypothesis and create a wise organization index, the cognitive, reflective, and compassionate dimensions of the Three-Dimensional Wisdom Model were integrated with the psychological needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness of Self-Determination.
Wisdom as a Resiliency Factor for Subjective Well-Being in Later Life
Psychosoziale und Medizinische RehabilitationMonika Ardelt, Dilip V. Jeste
Research has shown that wisdom tends to be positively associated with subjective well-being (SWB) in later life, especially if older adults encounter physical or social hardship. Yet, the role of resiliency in the wisdom and well-being relationship has not been investigated. We extended our earlier study that investigated the buffering effect of wisdom on the inverse relationship between adverse life events and SWB (Ardelt & Jeste, 2018) to analyze whether resiliency mediates the association between three-dimensional wisdom and SWB by reducing stress.
Linking Wise Organizations to Wise Leadership, Job Satisfaction, and Well-Being
Frontiers in CommunicationMonika Ardelt and Bhavna Sharma
Research shows that wisdom benefits individuals, but is this also true for organizations? To answer this question, we first delineated the characteristics of wise and not-so-wise organizations in the areas of goals, approach, range, characteristics of leaders and employees, and perception of aging, using a framework derived from comparing wisdom with intellectual knowledge. Guided by this framework, we then tested whether wise organizations have a positive effect on employees’ physical and subjective well-being mediated by wise leadership and job satisfaction.