Shubho Bandyopadhyay
- Gainesville FL UNITED STATES
- Warrington College of Business
Shubho Bandyopadhyay studies net neutrality, information systems, health informatics, information systems and public policy.
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Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay’s areas of research interests include net neutrality, information systems policy, health informatics, offshore outsourcing of services and the economic consequences of using information systems. He is the George W. and Lisa O. Etheridge, Jr. professor in the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management in the Warrington College of Business.
Areas of Expertise
Media Appearances
Customers Concerned Over Cox Internet Charges
WUFT News online
“In Gainesville, there’s only one [broadband] service provider,” said Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, professor at the Warrington College of Business Department of Information Systems and Operations Management. The situation is the same in nearly three quarters of the country, said Bandyopadhyay.
The ambiguous economics of Net neutrality
Mint online
Three game theorists—H. Kenneth Cheng and Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay of the University of Florida, and Hong Guo of the University of Notre Dame—developed a model of strategic interaction between the various players in the digital economy. One of their main conclusions was that, except for some specific cases, service providers have greater incentives to invest in network infrastructure when there is Net neutrality (mintne.ws/1GOB4Tv). Otherwise Internet service providers will have a stake in keeping networks gridlocked.
Vertical Integration and Zero-Rating Interplay: An Economic Analysis of Ad-Supported and Ad-Free Digital Content
Journal of Management Information SystemsSoohyun Cho, et al.
We discuss the economic impacts of the interplay between vertical integration and zero-rating for digital content. To this end, we develop a game-theoretic model that involves an Internet Service Provider (ISP), two competing content providers (CPs)—one an ad-supported CP, the other ad-free—and consumers. While previous studies have separately examined vertical integration and zero-rated content, none to our knowledge has explored the simultaneous interaction of both phenomena.
Beauty Contest and Social Value of Fintech: An Economic Analysis
AMCIS 2020 TREOSAnurag Garg, Liangfei Qiu and Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay
The past decade has witnessed a financial technology (FinTech) revolution. With the advent of FinTech in trading markets, many technology startups are using social media to gauge investors’ sentiment, as well as to detect events quickly, which in turn could impact stock prices and affect the efficiency of financial markets.
Sponsored Data: Smarter Data Pricing with Incomplete Information
SSRNXiaowei Mei, et al.
As the amount of online content explodes, mobile network operators (MNOs) are investigating new business models that encourage content providers (CPs) to sponsor data for consumers. We analyze this recent phenomenon using an incomplete information game-theoretical model, where the MNO does not observe consumers’ types (personal valuation of mobile data), and provides multiple data plans to consumers.
Role of Digital Divide in Optimal Zero-Rating Policy
IIM Bangalore Research PaperNeena Pandey, Manaswini Bhalla and Shubho Bandyopadhyay
Several Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Content Providers (CPs) have proposed zero-rating plans whereby consumers get access to certain websites without paying for it. While consumer and open-access advocates have decried these plans, arguing that they are anti-competitive and violate the principles of net neutrality, ISPs and CPs have argued that such initiatives enable segments of the world population - especially those in developing economies - to finally join the rest of the world in accessing the Internet.
Optimal Pricing Model of Digital Music: Subscription, Ownership or Mixed?
Production and Operations ManagementShengli Li, et al.
Traditionally, consumers purchase physical music (often in the form of CDs or cassettes) from local retailers. With the development of Internet technology, the market share of digital music has grown rapidly in recent years. Unlike physical music, digital music is provided by several emerging digital music providers through the Internet to consumers. Pricing models of digital music are also drastically different from those of physical music.