Roberta Pileggi University of Florida

Roberta Pileggi

Professor/Director 352-273-5437
  • Gainesville FL UNITED STATES
  • College of Dentistry

Roberta Pileggi is a board-certified endodontist with expertise in diagnosing and treating oral pain.

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Roberta Pileggi has been the director of the UF Graduate Endodontics Program since July 2009 and, in January 2010, was appointed chair of the UF Department of Endodontics. She was appointed associate dean for advanced and graduate education and director of the UF School of the Advanced Dental Sciences (SADS). Currently, Roberta has been funded in her main research interest of trauma, bone and inflammation.

Areas of Expertise

Bone and Inflammation
Oral Trauma
Higher Education



Quantitative Analysis of Biofilm Removal Following Instrumentation with TRUShape and Vortex Blue File Systems: Microbiological Study

Frontiers in Bioscience

Shaun Bullard, et. al


Mesial roots and isthmuses of mandibular molars are difficult areas to obtain adequate disinfection of root canal walls, and consequently microorganisms can survive treatment. The present study compared, through real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), the effectiveness of TRUShape (TS) (Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialties, Tulsa, OK) and Vortex Blue (VB) (Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialties, Tulsa, OK) in removing Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) from the mesial canals and isthmuses of mandibular molars.

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A Bioinformatics Systems Biology Analysis of the Current Oral Proteomic Biomarkers and Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment of External Root Resorption

International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Mahmoud Mona, et. al


External root resorption (ERR) is a silent destructive phenomenon detrimental to dental health. ERR may have multiple etiologies such as infection, inflammation, traumatic injuries, pressure, mechanical stimulations, neoplastic conditions, systemic disorders, or idiopathic causes. Often, if undiagnosed and untreated, ERR can lead to the loss of the tooth or multiple teeth.

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Amyloid Aggregation of Streptococcus mutans Cnm Influences Its Collagen-Binding Activity

Applied and Environmental Microbiology

Nicholas M. di Cologna, et. al


The cnm gene, coding for the glycosylated collagen- and laminin-binding surface adhesin Cnm, is found in the genomes of approximately 20% of Streptococcus mutans clinical isolates and is associated with systemic infections and increased caries risk. Other surface-associated collagen-binding proteins of S. mutans, such as P1 and WapA, have been demonstrated to form an amyloid quaternary structure with functional implications within biofilms.

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