Todd Digby
Department Chair/University Librarian
- Gainesville FL UNITED STATES
- Library Technology Services
Todd Digby leads a department that researches, develops, optimizes and supports advanced library information systems.
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Dr. Todd Digby is the Chair of the Library Technology Services department at the University of Florida. He leads a department that researches, develops, optimizes, and supports advanced library information systems and technology for the UF Libraries.
Areas of Expertise
Library Technology Hardware
Encyclopedia of Libraries, Librarianship, and Information Science (First Edition)Todd Digby
Libraries around the world use various computer and other information technology to fulfill their respective missions. Throughout the past fifty years, the technologies and related hardware have shifted with ever increasing technology landscape. These changes have been greatly impacted by the rise of the internet and the World Wide Web. Examining the historical context and evolution of library technology hardware is important in understanding how and why technologies and their related hardware are used in libraries today. The library of today may include a wide range of technologies including desktops, laptops, servers, printers, scanners, and other use case specific technologies.
Developing a Multi-Portal Digital Library System: A Case Study of the new University of Florida Digital Collections.
Code4Lib JournalDigby, T., Richmond, C., Durden, D. & Munoz, J.
The University of Florida (UF) launched the UF Digital Collections in 2006. Since this time, the system has grown to over 18 million pages of content. The locally developed digital library system consisted of an integrated public frontend interface and a production backend. As with other monoliths, being able to adapt and make changes to the system became increasingly difficult as time went on and the size of the collections grew. As production processes changed, the system was modified to make improvements on the backend, but the public interface became dated and increasingly not mobile responsive. A decision was made to develop a new system, starting with decoupling the public interface from the production system. This article will examine our experience in rearchitecting our digital library system and deploying our new multi-portal, public-facing system. After an environmental scan of digital library technologies, it was decided to not use a current open-source digital library system. A relatively new programming team, who were new to the library ecosystem, allowed us to rethink many of our existing assumptions and provided new insights and development opportunities. Using technologies that include Python, APIs, ElasticSearch, ReactJS, PostgreSQL, and more, has allowed us to build a flexible and adaptable system that allows us to hire developers in the future who may not have experience building digital library systems.
Exploring library leadership technology decision-making and support through the use case of the Institutional Repository
Library Philosophy and PracticeTodd Digby
Academic and research libraries are dependent on a wide range of technology and systems to manage access and storage of digital research materials and collections. Given the high level of costs and staff needed to support these systems, the factors that influence library leadership in their decision-making process to support or adopt new technologies is important.
Developing a Minimalist Multilingual Full-text Digital Library Solution for Disconnected Remote Library Partners
Information Technology and Libraries (ITAL)Todd Digby
The University of Florida (UF) George A. Smathers Libraries have been involved in a wide range of partnered digital collection projects throughout the years with a focus on collaborating with institutions across the Caribbean region. One of the countries that we have a number of digitization projects within is Cuba. One of these partnerships is with the library of the Temple Beth Shalom (Gran Sinagoga Bet Shalom) in Havana, Cuba.