Olympic Games Hub

As one of the top universities for Olympic athletes and Olympic medals, the University of Florida is a leader in interdisciplinary research and experts on the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. The UF Olympic Games Hub contains research, news, tips, and experts to speak on a number of topics for Olympics-related stories.

Gator grad Grant Holloway clears academic hurdles on path to Paris Olympics
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How the 1924 Paris Olympics impacted modern Games
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UF professor heads for Paris this summer as team veterinarian for Team Australia’s equine athletes
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UF Olympic Games Experts

Diversity in Sport and Sport Coverage

Experts on diversity in sport and sport coverage are available to speak with the media.

Influence of the Games

Experts are available to talk to the media about how the Olympics will impact local and global economies and tourism, including what endorsements and scholarships mean to athletes.

Infectious Diseases

The global travel sparked by the Olympics can lead concerns about the spread of certain infectious diseases, including dengue and bird flu. Experts are available to discuss.

Sports Medicine

UF Health was selected to join U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Medical Network providing care to Team USA athletes. UF Health doctors are attending the games as Team USA physicians. There are experts in overuse injuries, concussion management, injury prevention, sleep medicine, and more.
