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Antarctic ice sheet faces “death by a thousand cuts”
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Kevin W. Farmer


Dr. Farmer is an expert in sports medicine, shoulder and elbow reconstruction, ACL reconstruction, Achilles tendon repair, and elbow pain. 352-273-7001
Achilles Tears and Sports Medicine Throwing Shoulder Injuries Rotator Cuff Tears Shoulder Instability Knee Ligament Tear

Yang Feng

Associate Professor

Yang Feng's research focuses on the role of AI as an information delivery agent as well as a powerful research tool. 352-392-0453
Consumer Psychology AI Artificial Intelligence Advertising Campaign Advertising Research and Strategy

Mark Fenster


Mark Fenster is the Marshall M. Criser Eminent Scholar Chair in electronic communications and administrative law. 352-273-0962
Administrative Law Political Extremism Non-disclosure agreements Open Government Laws Conspiracy Theories

Juliana Fernandes

Assistant Professor

Juliana Fernandes is an expert in the uses and effects of negative information in persuasive communication messages. 352-392-9359
Social Media Media Trust Misinformation Advertising Strategy Political Advertising

Jason Ferrell


Jason Ferrell has expertise in invasive plant management, pesticide safety and fate of pesticides in the environment. 352-273-3685
Pesticide Safety Invasive Plants Aquatic Plants

Daniel Ferris


Daniel Ferris studies how humans move, focusing on both neuroscience and biomechanics, including individuals in health and disability. 734-834-0379
Robotic Exoskeletons Electroencephalography Biomechanics of Human Movement Neural Control Human-machine Interfaces

Roger B. Fillingim


Roger B. Fillingim maintains an active research program investigating individual differences in pain. 352-273-5963
Ethnic Group Differences in Pain Pain

Mark Flannery

Eminent Scholar

Mark Flannery's work is focused on corporate finance and the financial regulatory process. 352-392-3184
Government Regulation of the Financial Sector Banks and Supervision Financial Advisors Monetary Policy SEC Regulation

Domenic Forte


Domenic Forte is an expert in the fields of hardware security and assurance, electronic design automation, and microelectronics. 352-392-1525
Counterfeit Electronics National Security Hardware Security Electronic Design Automation Artificial Intelligence

Alan Franck

Collections Manager

Alan Franck manages the Herbarium at the Florida Museum, which has around 500,000 specimens of plants, lichens and algae from worldwide. 352-273-1984
Herbarium Medical Botany Nomenclature Plants Plant Diversity

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